Inspiration for running a business while raising a family

Yes, Mama, you can do it!
I'm coming up on a milestone/anniversary next month! A day that will forever be a defining moment in my personal, spiritual and family's life. It's the day I left my 6 figure corporate career behind me, and embarked on an unfamiliar journey of entrepreneurship with @lucylueorganics and being a SAHM.
In reflection, this journey has been nothing short of amazing. To look back and realize all the uncertainty in making a big decision such as starting a business from the ground up, in an industry that wasn't my niche, still gives me anxiety. I had nothing to go on, except what I felt in my heart and what I prayed for on so many days. I believed in myself and I believed I could accomplish my dream of running a successful business. This is what got me through the long days and nights.
I didn't know what 6 months or even a year of running this business would look like for me physically, mentally, or financially. And if you know me, I don't make decisions unless they are well thought out and planned. But how can you gauge how successful a business will be that no one knows of, or that is one of thousands just like it? And as we all know, many startups fail within the first year. How could we beat the odds? I was determined to not fail. I was adamant about working hard 24/7 and making decisions for the business that would solidify our growth. And guys, it's been more than worth the gamble I took in leaving my corporate career behind. I am most certainly still learning sooooo much about running this business and am so very thankful to each of you who make it possible for me to continue to live my dream, realize my purpose, and connect with so many of you on varying levels.
If any of you have a burning desire to start a business, whether it be big or small, PT or FT, just do it! You'll never know what could be if you don't try. And for those of you in the trenches with a budding business, keep going, even if you have to reevaluate your business plan or goals, don't t stop . We all can do it and we're here to show you it's possible and to cheer you on!