12 Amazing Black-owned Baby & Kids Brands for you to Support

We're celebrating and sharing a curated list of 12 of our favorite black-owned baby and kids brands. We recently discovered most of these baby brands through social media and created this list to feature businesses that we know our customers and followers would love and support.
Please support these businesses by following, liking and engaging on their social media pages, shopping their products, recommending their products to friends and family, and spreading the word about diversely owned baby product brands.
Simply sharing information you've found can help drive socio changes. Let's uplift and bring to the forefront businesses who may not otherwise be seen or heard.
Thank you for supporting small businesses!
From left to right, going clockwise. Click the business name to be linked to the website or Instagram page for the brand.
1: Opal and Fig: Heirloom quality handmade dolls.
Follow @shop.opalandfig on Instagram for shop updates, news, and product releases.
2. Lucy Lue Organics: Modern organic baby clothes with a beautiful minimal design.
Follow @lucylueorganics on Instagram for shop updates, news, and product releases.
3. Harper Iman Dolls: Ethnic handmade linen keepsake dolls.
Follow @harperimandolls on Instagram for shop updates, news, and product releases.
4. Puzzle Huddle: Children's jigsaw puzzles featuring diverse characters. Follow @puzzlehuddles on Instagram for shop updates, news, and product releases.
5. Design Dua: Stunning handwoven bassinets made in West Africa. Perfect for newborns or boho home decor. Follow @shoplovedua on Instagram for shop updates, news, and product releases.
6. Kammy Kids: Comfy baby and toddler apparel for everyday wear to celebrate life and make memories.
Follow @kammy_kids on Instagram for shop updates, news, and product releases.
7. 6 Heart Turbans + Headwraps: Super soft and stretchy turbans and headwraps for babies and kids.
Follow @shop6heart on Instagram for shop updates, news, and product releases.
8. Pretty Please Teethers: Natural, modern and handmade teethers, silicone bibs, and pacifier clips. Baby products.
Follow @prettypleaseteethers on Instagram for shop updates, news, and product releases.
9. Rowan and Company: Functional and stylish baby goods.
Follow @rowanandcompany on Instagram for shop updates, news, and product releases.
10. The Ciao Bella Collection: A premium collection of timeless Children’s Luxury Basics for children aged 0-5 years.
Follow @theciaobellacollection on Instagram for shop updates, news, and product releases.
11. Sun and Lace: Baby and toddler shoes made from genuine leather, to include baby booties and mocs.
Follow @sunandlace on Instagram for shop updates, news, and product releases.
12. Haus of Headwraps: Baby headwraps sewn with love by both local and out-of-state mothers.
Follow @hausofheadwraps on Instagram for shop updates, news, and product releases.
We independently discovered and shared the baby and kids brands included in this list.