Support Your Spouse When They Start a Business

This is surely an overdue post…
When you have a good husband, wife, partner, friend, or better half, recognize the value that they add to your life and appreciate their purpose.
I speak alot about our journey with @lucylueorganics, how/why we started this business, but not enough about my husband who helps do so much behind the scenes. I'm not even sure this business would exist if it weren't for him. Or maybe it would, but things certainly would have taken alot longer to get going!
When I first dreamed of creating a clothing line, despite how much of a go getter I am, I would allow doubt and anxiety to creep in and on some days, to takeover. Yet my husband, with his gentle words of encouragement, while still believing in me, would hold my hand, wipe my tears, pray with and for me, and in our daily affirmations-- has claimed our success with LLO! I can't tell you how much this means and how crucial this has been to our journey with this business. As I've said many times before, fashion merchandising isn't our background, but I think we're doing a pretty good job at it😉. I know for sure, that together we are unstoppable. I am so grateful, thankful and blessed because of my “Matty”! Thank you for staying up late to get things done and for willingly answering the same questions multiple times. Thank you for your undying support and for the partnership that we have created in life and with this business. I love you!
When someone physically and emotionally lifts you to a higher point, make sure you appreciate their presence and let them know it.
I just love, love your posts. We need this in our lives.